Terms and Conditions

Tripraja.com is a website that helps users gather information about tours and travel and is also an online booking service that offers a variety of tours, excursions, tickets and services (“products”) and enables users to research, find, and book travel related experiences, and for no other purposes.

Tripraja.com will be referred to as “we”, “us”, “our” and “Tripraja.com” and “you” will be for the visitors to the website and/or those who would be contributing content to this Website.

Upon the condition of your acceptance of the terms, conditions, and notices set forth below (collectively, the “Agreement”), without any modification, this Website and its Products are made available to you.

The Agreement contains information about the legal rights granted to you, as well as a section regarding applicable law and jurisdiction of disputes; so it is highly advisable that you read it carefully to understand the terms and conditions. If you are accessing the website, it would mean that you have understood the terms and agree to abide by the Agreement. If you do not agree with any/all the terms and conditions, kindly do not visit the website or book any product because when any booking is arranged through Tripraja.com, it is understood that the person making the booking has accepted the Agreement on behalf of anybody else or self.

There would be changes in the Agreement in the future and your use of this website will indicate that you have agreed with the revised set of terms and conditions. The update will get reflected on top part of this page, and apart from that, the members who have registered their email IDs with us will get a mail from our side. It is however advisable that you return to this page periodically to review the updated version of the Agreement.

Website Usage Policy

As a condition of your use of this Website, you warrant that

  1. Every information supplied by you on this Website is true, accurate, current and complete
  2. If you have an account with Tripraja.com, it is your responsibility to safeguard its information and if anyone else uses your account, you are liable for it and
  3. You are 18 years and above in order to register for an account and contribute to our Website. We do not knowingly collect information from a minor.

Please remember that you should use this website only for personal, noncommercial use and/or to make legitimate requests to book the Products offered. You agree to not use this Website for making any speculative, false or fraudulent requests.

We have the right to deny access to anyone to this Website and the services we offer, at any time and for any reason, including, but not limited to, for violation of this Agreement.

Tripraja.com does not endorse any content that is offensive, indecent, inaccurate, objectionable, or otherwise inappropriate, which you may find while accessing this website. If you continue using the website despite that, you would do at your own risk.

Barred Activities

We have the full proprietorship on the content and information on this Website (including, but not limited to, messages, data, information, text, music, sound, photos, graphics, video, maps, icons, software, code or other material), as well as the infrastructure used to provide such content and information. You are not supposed to modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell or re-sell any information, content, software, products, or services obtained from or through this Website. In case you wish to do any of these, a prior permission in written format is required.

We strongly prohibit that you DO NOT:

  • use Tripraja.com or its contents to submit or transmit pornography or for any commercial or illegal purpose;
  • use any of content without any written permission or access, monitor or copy any information of this Website using any robot, spider, scraper or other automated means or any manual process to access, scrape, index, retrieve;
  • take any action that imposes, or may impose, in our discretion, an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure or makes excessive traffic demands on the Website;
  • try to tamper (modify, translate, adapt, edit, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer) any software programs used by Tripraja.com in connection with the Website;
  • use the Website to cause or advocate harassment of another person, or to threaten, stalk, defraud, incite, or otherwise interfere with another user accessing the Website;
  • use Tripraja.com to transmit spam, chain letters, contests, junk email, pyramid schemes, surveys, or other mass messaging, whether commercial in nature or not;
  • use the Website to create a conflict of interest, such as trading reviews with other business owners or writing or soliciting reviews;
  • use the Website to violate the rights of the third-party, including any breach of confidence, copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, moral right, privacy right, right of publicity, or any other intellectual property or proprietary right;
  • attempt to gain unauthorized access to user accounts, computer systems or networks connected to the Website through hacking, password mining or any other means; use the Website to transmit any computer viruses, worms, defects, Trojan horses or other items of a destructive nature (collectively, “Viruses”);
  • attempt to use any device, software or routine that interferes with the proper working of the Website.
  • use the Website to violate the security of any computer network, crack passwords or security encryption codes;
  • disrupt or interfere with the security of, or otherwise cause harm to, the Website; or remove, circumvent, disable, damage or otherwise interfere with any security-related features of the Website, features that prevent or restrict the use or copying of Website Content, or features that enforce limitations on the use of the Website.

User Accounts Maintenance Policy

You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account password and login credentials, so if any unauthorized access takes place through your account, we believe you will notify us immediately.

Your account must be used for personal and non-commercial purposes only. While opening an account, you may not adopt someone else’s personality (e.g., a celebrity), or create an account for anyone else other than yourself, provide an email address other than your own, or create multiple accounts.

We may terminate or suspend your account or ability to use the Website, in whole or in part, at our sole discretion, for any or no reason, and without notice or liability of any kind. You will not be able to use the website after the termination is put in place

You may terminate your account as well and discontinue your use of any and all parts of the Website. We may however continue to display your previously published content despite a termination and will be held under no obligation to remove any of it

Content Policy

Contributions to Tripraja.com takes place through a number of different ways, such as emails, writing reviews, making postings, uploading and posting photos or videos, making comments or suggestions, submitting ideas, filling out public profiles, rating other users’ contributions (collectively, “Content”). We may display your content on the Website, reformat it, translate it to other languages, edit it, incorporate it into advertisements, use it for promotion and distribution purposes, and allow others to do the same in connection with their own websites, mobile properties, applications, and media platforms.

There are discussion forums, bulletin boards, review services or other forums (“Interactive Areas”) in this website where you or third parties may post reviews of travel experiences or other messages, materials or other items. However, do remember that you are to use these Interactive Areas provided by Tripraja.com at your own risk. By using any Interactive Areas, you expressly agree not to post, upload, transmit, distribute, store, create or otherwise publish through this Website any of the following:

  • Any illegal Content, or that which is defamatory, obscene, pornographic, suggestive, harassing, threatening, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, abusive, inflammatory, fraudulent or otherwise objectionable;
  • Content that may infringe any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other intellectual or proprietary right of any party;
  • Content that misrepresents your affiliation with a person or entity, including Tripraja.com, like impersonating someone;
  • Unsolicited promotions, campaigning for political parties, advertising, contests, raffles, or other kinds of solicitations;
  • Private information of any third party, including, without limitation, surname (family name) addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, Social Security numbers and credit card numbers;
  • Viruses, corrupted data or other destructive files;
  • Unrelated Content to the topic of the Interactive Area(s) that are published;

You alone are responsible for your Content. This means that you would handle all sorts of risks that may come associated with the content you have published, like anyone’s reliance on its accuracy, completeness or usefulness, or any disclosure by you of information in your Content that makes you identifiable. You represent that you have the necessary permissions to use, and authorize the use of your Content as described herein. You may not imply that your Content is in any way sponsored or endorsed by Tripraja.com.

As a provider of interactive services, Tripraja.com takes no responsibility for any loss or damage thereto, nor is Tripraja.com liable for any mistakes, defamation, slander, libel, omissions, falsehoods, obscenity, pornography or profanity you may encounter in any public forum, personal home page or other Interactive Area.

Tripraja.com is not obligated to screen, edit or monitor any of the Content posted to or distributed through any Interactive Area; however, we do have absolute discretion, to remove, screen, translate or edit without notice any Content posted or stored on this Website at any time and for any reason, or to have such actions performed by third parties on its behalf. This means that you are expected to create backup copies of and replace your posted Content or store on this Website at your cost and expense. Tripraja.com has no obligation to retain or provide you with copies of your Content, nor do we guarantee any confidentiality with respect to your Content.

Your rights to use the Interactive Areas and/or this Website can be terminated or suspended in case of violation of the Agreement.

 Private Tour Guides

Private tour guides are not affiliated to Tripraja.com and work independently. If you do engage one, do not hold us liable because Tripraja.com does not screen or conduct background checks on private tour guides.

Customers are to work directly with private tour guides on scheduling, meeting time / place, tour specifics and, where specifically noted, payment terms. We make no representations or warranties of any kind regarding private tour guides or their services.

Third Party Website Policies

Hyperlinks of other websites may be present in this Website, but those are provided for your reference only and not for endorsing any material or indicating any association with their ooerators. Since we do not control such websites, we are not responsible for their contents or the privacy or other its practices. It is advisable to be careful while clicking on the links or software you download (whether from this Website or other websites) and ensuring that those are free of such items as viruses, worms, Trojan horses, defects and other items of a destructive nature.

In some cases you may be asked by a third party site to link your profile on Tripraja.com to a profile on their site. Choosing to do so is purely optional, and the decision to allow this information to be linked can be disabled (with the third party site) at any time.

Copyright and Trademark Notices

All contents (graphics, images, videos, write-ups) of this Website are owned and copyrighted, and all rights reserved by Tripraja.com. We are not responsible for any content on any website operated by other parties. All other product or service names or slogans displayed on this Website are registered and/or common law trademarks of Tripraja.com, and/or its licensors, and may not be copied, imitated or used, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of Tripraja.com or the applicable trademark holder. In addition, the look and feel of this Website, including all page headers, custom graphics, button icons and scripts, is the service mark, trademark and/or trade dress of Tripraja.com and may not be copied, imitated or used, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of Tripraja.com. All other trademarks, registered trademarks, product names and company names or logos mentioned in this Website are the property of their respective owners. Reference to any products, services, processes or other information, by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, supplier or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation thereof by Tripraja.com.

Service Help

For any query, visit our Customer Care page. Or, you can write to us at: info@tripraja.com

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