• 7 years ago

Interesting and historical forts of Goa

I thought Goa is all about sun, sea and sand, until the internet broke that for me. I never knew there are so many beautiful forts of Goa. When I read through some interesting facts of history of forts in Goa, I was stumped!

The Dil Chahta Hai fort in Goa and more

dil-chahta-hai-chapora-fort Since Bollywood makes many areas accessible to us, I instantly could recognise the Chapora fort from its picture, which is now known as the Dil Chahta Hai fort in Goa. Likewise, Singham made the massive Aguada Fort in Goa so famous that in apparent gratitude, the surrounding walls have its posters and the fort is now famously called the Singham fort. SRK’s Kabhi Haan Kabhi Naa also shows Aguada Fort in Candolim in a scene. Quite filmy these forts are, I tell you!

Forts in North Goa

Sinquerim fort north goa When I reached these historical forts of Goa, I realised what makes this coastal state so special. Apart from nature’s bounty, there are some 14 of these architectural beauties. There are forts in North Goa, like Reis Magos Fort, Sinquerim Fort, Bardez, Corjuem Fort, Corjuem and Terekhol Fort, Querim, apart from the aforementioned ones.

The Cabo De Rama Fort

cabo-de-rama-fort-south-goa The number of forts in South Goa is much less though. Only worth considering is the Cabo De Rama Fort, named after Lord Ram that was once used as a prison. The fort is in ruins now but the St. Anthony’s church is still nested inside. The only regulars there, the birds and monkeys, were pretty amused to see me!

Reis Magos Fort, Bardez: the oldest fort of Goa

Reis Magos Goa India Erected in 1551 to protect the Mandovi estuary, this fort earlier accommodated dignitaries or viceroys who arrived from or going to Lisbon. Most of these picturesque forts were either built or maintained by the Portugese. Famed late cartoonist Mario Miranda passionately pursued the restoration process of one of the oldest forts in North Goa, Reis Magos Fort, Bardez over several years. Thanks to veteran architect Gerard D’Cunha, it’s again a tourist attraction.

Interesting and historical forts of Goa

fort Aguada Fort Wall Aguada Fort: Built in 1962 is named after a Portuguese word which means “Watering Place”, to supply fresh water to the ships sailing in the Arabian Sea. Do you know Aguada Fort in Goa has a chamber which can store over 20 L gallons of water or that Terekhol fort, Querim will soon be a wedding venue? Also know this: Prince Akbar, in hand with the Marathas made the Chapora fort his base, to have more control than Aurangzeb. Want more? Visit these beautiful forts of Goa, quick!